Get to know who we are and what our mission is.

The mission of the Yeadon Borough Historical Commission (YBHC) is:

  1. to identify historically significant buildings and sites/areas in Yeadon Borough appropriately classified with respect to National, State, or Local significance;
  2. to designate historical districts within Yeadon borough; and
  3. to protect and promote historic resources buildings and areas.

By Ordinance 2015-1362, Yeadon Borough Council established the Yeadon Borough Historical Commission (YBHC). Yeadon Borough Council determined that it was in the best interest of the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents and businesses of Yeadon Borough to establish the Yeadon Borough Historical Commission, and thereby encourage an appreciation for Yeadon Borough’s rich history while creating a means to honor and preserve it.


The Yeadon Borough Historical Commission has seven (7) members appointed by the Borough who are all committed to fulfilling the assigned mission of YBHC.

  • Kelli Cave, Chair
  • Richard E. Ashby, Jr.
  • Alvin Holm
  • Dolores Jones-Butler
  • William Mellix, Vice Chair
  • Donna Samuel, Secretary
  • Rufus Stokes

To learn more about the significance of our work, please talk to us at 610-284-1606.

awarding ceremony